The Library
The treasury of books and periodicals – is the centre of intellectual activity in any institution. The Central Library works for its readers with a concern for creativity and innovation, predecessors of Research and Development. The general library of our college was established in 2000. It has a well-equipped library that accumulates over 45,024 volumes of selected books in various engineering, management, and basic, and general science subjects. The library subscribes to over 143 printed periodicals. The library also has 1531 bound volumes of periodicals. Audiovisual educational programs and video lessons often take place in the library.
It is speckless and maintained very well. It provides good quality fresh Snacks, cool drinks, coffee, tea, and other food items in a hygienic, healthy way which suits the pockets of the student.
Physical education is strongly aimed at improving the physical and mental health of the individual player. This results in the development of dynamic personalities. Sports activities and achievements have helped many people get better job opportunities. The clean area with the natural gift of fresh air is an inspiring resource, which motivates the player to perform better. Sports carry the same weight as academics. All sports activities are encouraged by making all facilities available when students participate in intercollegiate, intra-college, and other tournaments.
AVR Placement
The Placement Cell of the Anitha Venkateswara Rao (AVR) College of Education -AVRCE supports college students in making the proper profession selections and allows employers to take the proper hiring selections throughout recruitment.